Behind the Scenes with a 5 Month Old

Behind the Scenes with a 5 Month Old


Baby update:
We didn’t have an appointment this month so I don’t know her stats. I get too worried she isn’t gaining weight if I try to weigh her at home! But developmentally she rolls fully both ways and raises on her elbows at tummy time!

Mom update:
Still working on my quarantine sourdough in my free time, anyone else? Also enjoying working out with our trainer twice a week and trying to run occasionally but I’m really regretting attempting to do that during the summer – running may be on hold until October!

No solids yet, starting next month and I’m so excited! She’s still nursing great, like 10-12 minutes max at this point. We actually switched to the 4-6 month Moms on Call schedule right before 5 months which stretched feedings from 3 hours apart to 4 and she’s actually nursing a bit longer! I’m tempted to switch to bottle at bedtime for good and just pumping at 8:30 (I usually nurse her at 7 and then pump before bed).

Sleeping: Still in a pack and play (this one) at the beginning but we switched her to her own crib this month (this one)! We tried the swaddle up without sleeves for a little bit, she sleeps mainly on her side. But we decided to just go for the Kyte sleep sack, it’s what Archer has and loves also!

Still in our favorite Costco diapers, Size 2!

What we wear: She is still in 3 month clothes and some 3-6 month. She wears a lot of Kyte onesies, Pehr Onesies, Rufflebutt swimsuits, Bonnets.

I’m loving this Uniqlo bra! It’s not technically nursing but it works. Super lightweight for the summer!

Gear we love: She still loves to camp out in her Skip Hop bouncer! We also like the Jolly Jumper for the doorways!

The toddler: Archer got his first home haircut and it wasn’t too terrible!

Managing the two:
They are starting to interact more and it’s so fun to watch! They make each other laugh and it’s the sweetest sound in the world!

Fun things that happened:

We’ve started doing pool days at my in laws or my parents house on the weekend. I love these sun hats for Sydney and RuffleButt swimsuits or Hanna Andersson Swimsuits!

My sister moved 5 mins away – this is Syd being very helpful during the move “supervising”

Celebrating Father’s Day with this wonderful dad!