My Reading Life

My Reading Life

Anytime I post about what I’m reading – I get a lot of the same responses. “Wow! How do you have time to read?”“I could never read that much!”“That’s so impressive!”“Where do you get all those books?”“How do you decide what to read?” Let me [READ MORE]

Sunday Reset

Sunday Reset

I love the idea of rest, but I’ve often misunderstood it. It doesn’t always mean zoning out or napping (though I do both of those things). This sounds like an oxymoron but rest can be active for me. So on Sunday, the Sabbath I am [READ MORE]

January Amazon Favorites

January Amazon Favorites

I order a lot of things on Amazon, some good, some bad, some never arrived (not this month, but sometimes…). And in order to justify my purchases, I’ve decided to share them with you in case you too are in love with the luxury of [READ MORE]

Book Review: Surprise Me by Sophie Kinsella

Book Review: Surprise Me by Sophie Kinsella

Surprise Me by Sophie Kinsella 4/5 I went into this book already loving the author. Her book Can You Keep a Secret? Is one of my favorites and I’m quick to recommend it to any and everyone! Her books are well written and witty without [READ MORE]