Sunday Reset

I love the idea of rest, but I’ve often misunderstood it. It doesn’t always mean zoning out or napping (though I do both of those things). This sounds like an oxymoron but rest can be active for me. So on Sunday, the Sabbath I am trying to be more intentional on having time to reset and prepare for the week.

Every week I want to do a few things to reset and set myself up for for success for the week to come in my literal life, my role as a mom and most importantly my relationship with Christ. Hopefully each week I can bring a few things that will help you rest and reset too!

This Week:

  • Clean out my purse/diaper bag – throw out trash, refill diapers and snacks and put the stow aways back where they belong. 😉
  • Bake Something – I love to bake and cook and it’s really relaxing for me! I haven’t decided if I’ll make muffins or cookies or some other fun treat for the week. But I enjoy it and it will start my week with something sweet for breakfast or dessert!
  • Check the weather – This sounds silly but I often don’t know when it’s going to rain until it’s already raining. I just forget to check! So I’ve started jotting down the weather in my planner – just high and low and if it will rain. Just so I know if we should plan for the pool or something indoors.
  • Set Up My Space – I have a nice cozy chair in my room where I love to read my Bible and journal. Throughout the week stuff just accumulates on it so I’m less likely to sit there.

Most importantly, I’m going to start the week in prayer. Robert is on a Young Life trip with his guys so I will be praying constantly for that! But I also want to be praying for YOU! So leave your prayer requests in the comments or email me separately but I would love to add you to my prayer list this week!